
Going forward we will no longer be accepting cash payments. Instead we are moving to an online, touchless payment services.

There are two options:
1. E-transfer to Jason via my lirc email address
2. Square (credit / debit payments)

This year the school board announced that the government subsidy has been reduced and as a result they will now be charging us more for our rentals. We do still receive a significant subsidy via the Community Use Of Schools program; however, we now have to ensure that we have sufficient financial commitment from regular attenders.

There was an email sent out earlier in the summer when the change was announced by the school board. At that time a poll was taken and the result of that poll is as follows in terms of funding methods for LIRC. (Changes to the below may be made as we see how things roll out.)

Membership: $50 / year (Sept – Apr) || Covers indoor flying in either school on Mon or Fri’s. (Summer session fees to be determined.)

Occasional / Guest Pilots: $5 / night || No cap on non-member fees.

Non-Pilots: Free || Guest of pilots or pilots choosing to socialize and not fly are always free.

What you pay goes directly towards paying any rental / admin fees charged by the school board and by larger venues that we rent. We try to regularly book some bigger venues to have some extra fun. These venues are more expensive than the deal we get with the school board. So once we have enough funds saved up we book.

Payment Options:

  1. E-Transfer
    Send to Jason at the LIRC email. (See me and I’ll give you the address.)
  2. Credit / Debit Cards
    We’ll have a Square device at indoor to do such transactions.